Friday, September 25, 2009

Finding my SBS

I was given a challenge this week to find my true Social Bookmarking Soul mate. What is a social bookmarking soul mate you say?? Well it is a person (that may or may not exist) on a social bookmarking site like del.icio.uc, twine, diigo, etc. that one completely relates to and not in a romantic sort of way but in a common interest kind of way. Now if you think finding you real soul mate is hard try finding a social bookmarking soul male that tags like you do and bookmarks like you seems impossible no??

Well after countless hours of searching the many bookmarking sites, I might have a contender for my social bookmarking soul and it is T. Rex Bean. This mystery man is a massive bookmarker, or at least to me he is. On average he bookmarks about 4 to 6 pages a day ranging from politics to history to technology but mainly staying focus on the political end (perrffecctt!). Being such an active bookmakers has allowed T. Rex Bean to collect 3208 pages of bookmarks. One thing I exceptionally like about my soul mate is his tagging strategies and methods. While looking at other potential candidates, I discovered that many of them did not use tags to organize their bookmarks and often left them either un-tagged or only with one tag to describe the entire article/post. Personally I like to have order with my sources or information and therefore I am extremely impressed with the manner in which T. Rex Bean organizes his bookmarks. In each bookmark he includes between 4 to 6 tags, hitting all the main points and people that it mentions therefore making it easy to find a specific bookmark on a certain topic and/or person.

Other than having great organization of his bookmarks with detailed tagging, I am also impressed with the material that he bookmarks. At the very top of his most used tag is healthcare! Not only is he greatly interested in what my blog topic is, he also tags material that I am interested in especially politics, which is also in his top tag used list. Just from looking at some of the bookmarks, I found interesting new links that both relate to politics and healthcare and that could provide me with useful information and insight for my blog. Some are and, both are bloggers that mainly focus on the current events occurring in the political arena and they have both an informative and entertaining manner of blogging. What I find the most useful from my soul mate is of course his bookmarks that include more than news updates but interesting articles that take a more in-depth look at the issue. Having T. Rex Bean as a helpful bookmarker, I will be able to provide my readers with more angels on the healthcare system other than reporting just on the news.

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